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Welcome to the Pre-Registration page!



Pre-registration ensures that those hosting Kreepfest are prepared with a general idea of how many people are going to be there.


Just fill out the blanks, click send, then you are pre-registered!  Your nametags, Prom bracelets*. and a little surprise will be waiting, so be sure to list everyone in your group.



You should recieve a confirmation e-mail within 3 days.   If you don't,  please contact me at


Thank you.


* There will be tyvek wristbands for all who attend Kreepfest.   Anyone who seeks to enter Prom without a wristband will be charged five dollars [$5.00] at the door. This prevents folks who are drawn to the promise of a party, but who have no real interest in Halloween or Kreepfest itself from just walking into the prom.


There are three designs, one for over-21s, one for those under 21 years old, and one for our Kamp Kreepfest (under 10).  This helps with keeping the booze out of younger hands, so be sure to tell me how many of which wristbands you'll need, if any.  If none, just put '0'.  Thanks.


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