Welcome to The Grand Hollywood Hotel.
Well, not really.
If you've read the history, you get the idea. A terrible cursed hotel was torn down, but the dark spirits that infused that haunted locale cling still to the objects that were sold at auction.
Once a year the hotel's specteral denizens rise again to make merry. The hotel is recreated wherever a piece of it came to rest. The Grand Hollywood Hotel becomes a bridge to the space between realms where the living and the dead are free to intermingle when the thinning of the veil allows.
In short, you're either a ghost trapped in this liminal world or a living hotel guest who finds themselves drawn unwillingly into their night of festivity. There's a full rundown of how it works HERE.
You will arrive and be welcomed by the hotel's concierge. You MUST show your wristband to gain entry for free. If you do not have a wristband, there is a $15 cover charge. (This is to prevent party crashers.)
There is no BYOB. A cash bar is being provided by the Elks (to offset the cost of the building) so you are welcome to purchase your favorite drinks from the barmen. The bar will close at 11pm.
There will be a cocktail spread of nibbles and nosh to enjoy. It is recommended that you eat something between Kreepfest and the Ball so you're not starving.
So we're ghosts? You can be a ghost or a human who finds themselves trapped in the hotel. Either way you're encouraged to bend to the conceit of the Masquerade.
Are there rules for ghosts? Yes. Nobody famous. No ghosts like Jedi Force ghosts or The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man or Ghost Rider. Most of our ghosts are those who died in the hotel between 1924 and 1989.
But I HAVE TO come in costume? It is highly encouraged to dress up. The dress code is Elegant Masquerade.
Ball gowns, tuxes, fancy masks, all that. If you additionally want to incorporate the historical element or ghostly aspects, feel free.
There are links to some helpful websites HERE.
I lost my prom wristband! Can I still get in without paying? There will be a way. What that way is won't be revealed here (for obvious reasons) but at Kreepfest, you'll find out.
I know you said it's not BYOB, but I can sneak in some, right? Or drink out in the parking lot? No. No, you can't unless you want to be 'that person'. The one who got the place to ban us and make us look like assholes. I know that some folk need a little bit of 'social lubricant' to make their brains shut off so they can have fun. Great. Just be a kind guest and let the Elks Lodge make some money. They're our hosts after all.
I have food allergies/ I'm a vegetarian/ vegan/ gluten-free/ etc. Can I eat at the party?
There will be vegetarian and gluten-free options, but again, it may be wise to eat before coming if you know you won't be able to fill up on cocktail food.